South College Nursing Programs

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (LPN-BSN)

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The benefits of earning your nursing degree at South College


Bachelor of Science in Nursing


39 months


Atlanta, Knoxville, and Nashville

Apply your passions.

You’re already making a difference with your skills as a Licensed Practical Nurse. Now you’re ready to do even more! Many hospitals and healthcare facilities will require nurses to have a bachelor’s degree by 2020. Our LPN-BSN program is a great way for working healthcare professionals to earn their BSN degrees and qualify for NCLEX-RN examination.

So, it’s time to prepare for the future! You’re motivated, committed, and excited to build on the fundamental skills you acquired as a Licensed Practical Nurse. And South College is here to help you on the next step of your career journey. Our LPN-BSN program will equip you many new skills, including the basics of medical care, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and technical competence required for taking national and state licensure exams.

“I am excited to help facilitate students who desire to “answer the call” in to the nursing profession. Whether it is for the traditional BSN students, or students who have pursued other careers and now wish to engage as an Accelerated BSN student, our faculty are passionate about student success.”

Audrey Auer, Program Chair

At South College, you'll have the support you need to earn your BSN. Highly-skilled instructors will support and challenge you as you continue on your nursing career path. All of the South College staff is dedicated to helping you reach your goals and providing the best technology and instruction.


Admission is open to those who meet the appropriate criteria.

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South College's nursing faculty comes from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences to bring you the highest-quality education. We're committed to teach, mentor, and guide our students enrolled in the program.

Build upon your passion for helping others by earning your Bachelor of Science in Nursing at South College.
Apply Today!